Everything you need to repair and tune your Jeep
The original Jeep Bible
About the authors
The original Jeep Bible was written By Granville King and Willie Worthy. I have personally never met those two, but feel strongly that we should keep their work alive, and spread the wonderful book they've written. Below is a portion of their original website.
Granville King | |
The late Granville King started in Jeeps and Jeep maintenance in 1941,
the year the first vehicle came off the production line in 1941. He soldiered
with one for three years overseas in combat areas; he owned a Jeep garage
for a time; and he wrote scads of magazine articles about them. He, along
with SuperDawg, also wrote the famous column From the Back Country, which
appeared in off-road magazines for 25 years. Having acquired a beard and the pen name “Desert Fox”, Granville retired to Baja California with his beloved SuperDawg. These retirement years were spent Jeeping the beaches and backwoods of Baja, chatting to fellow Jeepers and pecking out his columns on a manual typewriter. Granville Went On Ahead to the Great Jeep Jamboree in the Sky in 1989. In the The Jeep Bible Granville combines his own experience with technical information from factory shop manuals, Chilton and other sources into a readable tale, all with his famous light touch for ease of understanding. It is, indeed, a Jeep Bible for the old pro, the intrepid do-it-yourselfer and the plain vanilla beginner. Included is his revelation of how the Jeep won World War II. Single-handed! |
Willie Worthy | |
Willie Worthy has written about Jeeps and provided answers to technical
questions in Four-Wheeler and other magazines for over 25 years. He knows
his Jeeps backwards and forwards. He bought his first Jeep (a War II Military,
natch) in 1959, and caught the bug. He's owned 14 4-WDs, five sand
buggies, four ATVs and four off-road racers! This guy KNOWS what he's
talking (and writing ) about. And if he doesn't know, he knows WHO
TO ASK. He's one of those rare types, a LITERATE MECHANIC. Jeep Cult
doesn't have a better one! He lives way up there in Montan so's
he doesn't have any city distractions to interfere with the care and
feeding of his stable of Jeeps. He went through every word of every chapter of The Jeep Bible for this Second Edition, making any needed changes and additions, while maintaining Granville's inimitable way with words. PLUS, he added a detailed chapter on Jeep modifications and how to perform them the right way. And as a bonus, there's his heretofore unpublished “hot list” of Jeep parts and modification suppliers. Whatta guy! Whatta book! Granville'd be proud! |